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UC 最新消息:揭密加州大学各分校2024年秋季申請季最新開設的主修科目 Latest UC campus majors for fall 2024


"Breaking News: Unveiling the Latest UC Campus Majors for Fall 2024 Application Season"

UC Berkeley

Computing, Data Science, and Society (CDSS) — new college Educational Sciences major


Public Health major Disability Studies major Statistics & Data Science (previously Statistics) Music Industry (previously Music History & Industry)

UC Merced Chemical Engineering major Data Science and Computing major Data Science and Analytics major Environmental Humanities major Public Health B.S.

UC San Diego Aerospace Engineering major with Specialization in: Aerothermodynamics Astrodynamics and Space Applications Flight Dynamics and Controls Astronomy and Astrophysics major Mathematical Biology major

UC Santa Cruz Creative Technologies major Latin American and Latino Studies/Education, Democracy and Justice major Math Theory and Computation major Microbiology major

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