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【College Essay】下筆前先看這一篇, 打造專屬你的大學申請作文! 深度分析美國大學申論題目分類.(包含中文翻譯) (中)


🔷三、"過去影響現在和未來" 類🔷


—— Describe the world you come from—for example, your family, community or school—and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.(描述你來自於一個什麼樣的世界,比如說,你的家庭、社區、或學校,告訴我們你的世界如何塑造了你的夢想和抱負。加州系統第一題)

—— Describe the world you come from; for example, your family, clubs, school, community, city,or town. How has that world shaped your dreams and aspirations?(描述你來自於一個什麼樣的世界,比如說,你的家庭、社團、學校、社區或城市,你的世界如何塑造了你的夢想和抱負?麻省理工補充作文第四題)

—— There is a Quaker saying: “Let your life speak.” Describe the environment in which you were raised—your family, home, neighborhood or community—and how it influenced the person you are today. (貴格教派有一句名言:“讓你的生活發聲。”請描述你生長的環境,你的家、家庭成員、社區,以及他們如何影響你成為現在的你。Tufts大學補充作文第二題)

—— Discuss how your family’s experience or cultural history enriched you or presented you with opportunities or challenges in pursuing your educational goals.(

請敘述你家庭成員的生活經歷或文化背景如何滋養了你,並在達成你的教育目標的過程中,為你提供了什麼樣的機遇和挑戰。-華盛頓大學Personal Essay第一題)

—— At Colgate we strive to foster an inclusive community. Please discuss how your life experiences, family background, and/or culture has helped to shape you as a person. It would be especially helpful if you would also reflect on an experience which demonstrated your character and personal values. (在Colgate,我們努力打造一個包容多樣化的群體。請敘述你的生活經歷,家庭背景,和/或文化氛圍如何塑造了你這個人。如果你能具體描述某次經歷以用來展示你的性格特點和個人價值觀,將對我們瞭解你尤其有幫助。-Colgate University補充作文)



—— For applicants to Columbia College, please tell us what from your current and past experiences (either academic or personal) attracts you specifically to the field or fields of study that you noted in the Member Questions section. If you are currently undecided, please write about any field or fields in which you may have an interest at this time. (300 words or less)(請申請Columbia學院的學生告訴我們,你目前和過去的經歷之中(學術的或個人非學術的經歷),哪些引發了你對於你在申請系統中選擇的一個或多個專業領域的興趣? 如果你現在還沒有明確的主修選擇,請就你目前任何一個或多個感興趣的領域展開討論。-Columbia文理學院補充作文)

—— Stanford students possess an intellectual vitality. Reflect on an idea or experience that has been important to your intellectual development.( Stanford的學生都具有活躍的學術思想。闡述一個對於你的學術思想發展至關重要的想法或經歷。Stanford大學補充作文第三題)

—— How will you explore your intellectual and academic interests at the University of Pennsylvania? Please answer this question given the specific undergraduate school to which you are applying. (你計劃如何在賓大探究你的學術興趣?請結合你所申請的那個學院來回答這個問題。University of Pennsylvania補充作文)

—— Tell us about an engineering idea you have, or about your interest in engineering. Describe how your ideas and interests may be realized by "and linked to" specific resources within the College of Engineering. Finally, explain what a Cornell Engineering education will enable you to accomplish. (請告訴我們你在工程方面的一個想法,或是你對工程感興趣的地方。描述你的想法和興趣如何與工程學院的具體資源相聯繫,並能在工程學院得以實現。最後,請說明Cornell University 的工程學教育能幫助你成就什麼。Cornell University 大學之工程學院補充作文)

—— Please submit a one page, single-spaced essay that explains why you have chosen Carnegie Mellon and your particular major(s), department(s) or program(s).This essay should include the reasons why you've chosen the major(s), any goals or relevant work plans and any other information you would like us to know. For freshmen applying to more than one college or program, please mention each college or program to which you are applying. Because our admission committees review applicants by college and program, your essay can impact our final decision. (請說明你為什麼選擇Carnegie Mellon University 和你選擇的那個特定的專業、系科或者項目?這篇文章應當包括你選擇專業的原因,你的目標或者相關的工作計畫,或者其他任何你希望我們瞭解的內容。 如果你申請了多個學院或者專案,請在文章中提到每一個。因為我們的招生委員會根據不同的學院或專案來審核申請者的材料,你的文章會影響我們的最終決定。(Carnegie Mellon University 大學補充作文第一題)

—— Through the Summer Undergraduate Research Program, Pomona provides students up to $4,000 to conduct research with a Pomona professor on any topic in the arts and humanities, social sciences, or natural sciences. Imagine you received one of these grants. What would you research and why is this topic important to you? How would you know if you had been successful in your research?(通過暑期大學生研究項目,Pomona college為學生們提供最高四千美元的獎學金,以用於與一位Pomona college教授合作,開始藝術、人文、社會科學、或自然科學中任何一項課題的研究。假設你是得到資助的學生之一,你會研究什麼課題?為什麼這個課題對你很重要?你如何可以判斷你的研究獲得了成功?(Pomona college文理學院補充作文第二題)

繼續閱讀【College Essay】下筆前先看這一篇, 今年暑假大學作文寫起來! 深度分析美國大學申論題目分類.(包含中文翻譯) (下)

寫美國大學申論題 College Essay, 你也卡關了嗎?

覺得自己很平凡, 沒有什麼亮點可以吸引招生官?

CommonApp 才650個字,如何抓住招生官的眼球?



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