ABOUT 關於我們
Admission Success
Admission Success 裡的中外顧問團, 是一群多年來都沒有好好陪家人聖誕節跟跨年(為了幫學生趕Deadline) 卻熱愛這份工作的團隊, 其中有多年來擔任海內外國際學校的升學顧問, 有來自留學代辦公司, 更有在美國擔任大學審核委員的招生官, .
我們的專業領域,包括中學, 大學,研究所, 並且有熟悉英美澳加等不同教育系統的升學管道, 跟家長分析各個國家升學的優缺點, 再投入升學規劃.
大部分人申請時的盲點,是站在自己的立場,去思考會不會被大學錄取,但Admission Success 的經驗告訴家長, 試著站在學校的立場去看自己申請的Profile, 才是最客觀的,大學審核委員是怎麼看待你提供的資料? 例如:你是一個Straight A student,學校有提供微積分,你卻沒有選有挑戰難度的課, 你覺得審核委員會不會懷疑你的能力?
很多客戶來找我們的時機,已經到了11年級下學期,甚或已經是12年級上學期, 在選課考試規劃, 活動列表, 以及申論題修改,時間都比較有限, 家長跟學生的壓力也會比較大, 所以我們不斷的建議家長, Always Plan Ahead and Apply Early~ !!
Our editor team
Amanda A
MA in Public Policy | University of Chicago
Amanda is a 2004 graduate of Purdue University, with a BS in chemistry and a BA in political science, cum laude. She returned to school in 2006 to pursue her master's in public policy, with an emphasis on education policy, at the University of Chicago's Harris School of Public Policy. After graduating in 2008, she started working as a strategic planner for Chicago Public Schools. She quickly moved to a strategic management consulting role in the district and helped several departments make their everyday processes more efficient and effective.
Adam C
V.M.D| University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Adam C. graduated magna cum laude from Cornell University with a degree in Animal Science. Upon graduation, he spent time in Asia working with students interested in going to competitive U.S. colleges by helping them improve their test scores, perfect their essays, and master the interview process. Since then, he continued to help hundreds of students while also pursuing a degree in veterinary medicine. Adam obtained his V.M.D. from the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine and currently works as a small animal practitioner.
Franklyn V
JD | Harvard Law School
Franklyn is a U.S.-based editor and admissions writing consultant with more than 25 years of professional experience. He has assisted more than 300 MBA applicants get into top schools, including Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, MIT, Chicago, Yale, Columbia, UC Berkeley, and London Business School. Before joining TopAdmit, he was a Senior Writer in the Economic Opportunities Program of the Aspen Institute in Washington DC, an Acting Assistant Dean at Harvard University, and a Research Writer at the Harvard Business Review, where he co-wrote case studies for Harvard Business School’s second-year program. Franklyn studied at Yale (BA in Philosophy), Harvard Law School (JD program), and the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins (Master of International Public Policy program).
Nicole I
M.S. in Journalism | Columbia University
Nicole Israel is a writer, lawyer and journalist who lives in New York City. She received her B.A. in Economics from Boston University, M.S. in Journalism from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism and J.D. from New York Law School. She has worked in well-known news outlets such as CNN, ABC News, the Associated Press and The New York Times. Nicole has also freelanced for the New York Daily News and New York Magazine. Nicole has been recognized as a Fellow for the Asian American Journalist Association (AAJA) Knight Poynter organization, as was also selected as a Fellow for the Radio Television Digital News Association in Europe. Nicole is a member of the Asian American Journalists Association, the Society of Professional Journalists, and the American Bar Association.
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